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On A Notice of Accident Claim Form.
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We can all agree that the paperwork that follows a motor vehicle accident can be a real pain.
It seems like the list of things to do goes on and on and on.
One of the things we need to do though, is to get a medical certificate from a doctor.
But not just any old medical certificate.
It must be the medical certificate from the Notice of Accident Claim (NOAC) form.
It must be downloaded from the internet and completed in a very, very specific way if you want to recover any money from the CTP insurer of the at fault driver.The Magic Key to the Compensation Kingdom
At this point, some of you might be feeling confused and uncertain about what your future holds.
You may be wondering how you will ever get yourself back on your feet financially, emotionally and physically.
And the last thing you need right now is a maze of bureaucracy. More rules about what and how you should visit your doctor. Because after all, you didn't cause the accident. And it'd be good to make that paper work disappear, wouldn't it?
Imagine if you could wave a magic wand and produce that compliant medical certificate.
It would be very useful because that medical certificate is the key that allows you to get your bills paid for by the CTP insurer of the driver who caused the accident.
Imagine your sense of relief, certainty and clarity, knowing that you had the right key to unlock your compensation.
And the aim of this blog post is to give you that key.
The key will contain the steps to filling out the medical certificate properly with your doctor, so that you can access all the reimbursements you are entitled to.The Three Step Combination Lock
Here is what we will cover in this blog post:
And we give this information away because we understand that there can be a lot of confusion after an accidents, and we are aiming to keep things as simple as possible. And the method we're going to show you for completing the medical certificate is exactly what we use in our legal practice.
And we've used it to get the right results for thousands of clients.
STAGE 1: When a Checklist Becomes a Magic Wand
So let's get started with the first step.
And that step is to carry out an audit of your accident injuries.
The reason we do this audit is to make sure that you tell your doctor everything.
And to do that we've created a comprehensive checklist that takes you through 14 body parts.
It's called the Pain Point Checklist and you can access it by hitting the download link here.
I'm going to spend a minute or two going over the important things in this checklist. Things things that can make the difference between a failed claim and a highly successful claim.
So, first of all, we'll look at physical symptoms and behavioural symptoms that are a result of a head injury in a motor vehicle accident.
We look at facial injuries.
They're things like , things like and , the kind of thing that are when you're discussing injuries with your doctor. You might that you can no longer tastes certain types of food.We have a look at injuries to . We will have a look at your . These injuries would be , , .We will look at injuries affecting the senses.
Hearing, taste, smell. Not top of mind forget to tell them.
Spinal injuries. Whiplash. Neck problems. Back problems
Am I Losing My Mind?
And then we'll move on to psychological injuries.
After a car accident people often become frightened to drive. They don’t want to go out in any traffic. They don’t want to walk near cars. They jump at the sound of tyres braking. And these are all examples of psychological injuries.
These types of injuries are all very very important.
These injuries are often overlooked.
So make sure you examine these areas truthfully and honestly. Use your Pain Point Checklist as a guide.
Our mental health is critical to our happy future life.
Some psychological injuries may have an impact on your ability to look after yourself properly. To take care of yourself. Your personal hygiene. Your personal care. Be sure to give an honest and full appraisal - it's nothing to be embarrassed about.
Some psychological injuries may affect your ability to go back to work and do your job.
You may have been a courier or a truck driver or a bus driver involved in an accident. And now the thought of even being on the road paralyses you with fear. It means you won’t be able to do your job.
In addition you need to think about whether or not your ability to interact socially has been affected.
Tell Your Doctor Everything - Even Your Darkest Secrets!
All of these checklists are here to just make sure that you tell your doctor everything. Because it's critical on this first form you list as much information as possible. It adds to your credibility as a witness.
You don't want to be forgetting something, which gets brought into evidence later and the insurer's legal team will say:
“You didn't tell the doctor that in the first place, are you making this up? What else are you making up?”
That’s one of the primary reasons we make sure we go through this comprehensive audit.Failure to accurately and truthfully list all your accident injuries or illnesses could result in your claim for compensation being dramatically reduced or even rejected.
So go ahead now, print out the Pain Point Checklist and go through, get a cup of coffee, get a cup of tea, and go through it meticulously. Pay very, very specific attention to your psychological injuries, if you have any. This is an exercise that will be well worth your time.
STAGE 2: How Were You Feeling Yesterday?
It's time to move on to the second stage.
It's another audit, and this time it's an audit of your pre-existing injuries.
Once again, this is also critically important.
The legal team and the claims officer form the CTP insurer of the at fault driver will get access to all of your medical records.
If you don't list all your pre-existing injuries and the CTP the insurer finds out that you had a pre-existing injury, it will dramatically damage your credibility.
It will dramatically damage your chances of receiving the appropriate level of compensation.
So I cannot stress strongly enough how critical it is that you are very truthful about your pre-existing injuries.
And the best way to do that is to make sure that we use the Pain Point Checklist AGAIN.
So, once again, go through and make sure that if you've had a previous car accident, a previous injury, a previous illness that it gets listed on the NOAC form.
Failure to accurately and truthfully list all your pre-existing medical injuries or illnesses could result in your claim for compensation being reduced or rejected.
Once again it’s because it comes back to you and your credibility.
You must be always honest and truthful.
The more detail you give, the better the chance you've got of being appropriately compensated.
So go ahead now, get the Pain Point Checklist and go through and list all your previous injuries that you've had, since the day you were born, and put them in the space provided in the bottom half of Section 1, Injured Person on the or Notice of Accident Claim form.
STAGE 3: Doctor Doctor, Give Me the Music
So when you've done that, it's time to move on to the final stage, which is talking to your doctor about the injuries suffered in the accident.
The doctor needs to complete the medical certificate, with your help, on the NOAC form.
It starts on page 7 of the form and here's a look at what it looks like:
The first thing you'll notice, that it has to be filled in by a medical practitioner. No points for knowing that!
Secondly, you'll need the doctor to describe your injury.
When the doctor asks you what is wrong, you tell them you have been in an accident and you are suffering from a range of things. Then proceed to go through the pain point checklist
For example: broken leg, PTSD, sprained wrist, gash to the head.
The doctor will also be required to list the treatment they have given you for the injuries or illnesses.
Finally the doctor will be required to list what type of rehabilitation or treatment he will prescribe for you.
A rehab plan is something the insurer will need to consider very carefully because they will determine how much money they have to set aside for you to recover from your injuries.
What About Clocking In Again?
Then lastly, you need your doctor to list when he thinks you will be fit for full time employment again.
It is important that the doctor understands that you have to be able to fully return to work doing EXACTLY the same type of job you were doing before the accident.
Make sure your doctor understands that this date is about you returning to full 100% capacity.
And then last of all, make sure your doctor signs and dates the form, so that we have a compliant form.It's as Simple as 1, 2, 3
So in summary, here's what you have learned today:
- 1You're learned how to list all your accident injuries using the Pain Point Checklist as a prompt
- 2You've learned how to list all your pre-existing injuries using the Pain Point Checklist as a guide.
- 3And lastly, you've learned how to have the GP diagnose your injuries and treatment plan on the medical certificate of the NOAC.
And when you've done all that, you will be paperwork free in relation to reporting your injuries.
You’ll be able to get back doing the things that you could do before the accident, enjoying life.
Your Next Step
Get A Free Form Check!
Your Notice of Traffic Accident report builds the QP Report which builds your Notice of Accident Claim Form.
... so what does that mean?
Basically, these 3 forms are extremely vital to your claim for compensation. They are the foundations, the building blocks, and the structure of a good claim. If you get this bit wrong, you may as well save yourself the time and not bother!
For that reason, I am happy to give you a Free Form Check.
I will audit it. I will note the changes you need to make to be compliant. And, I will send it back to you on the same day I received it.
All you need to do is email me your form!
Get in Touch
If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me and I'll see what I can do to help.
My name's Ashley Tulley, you can find me at [email protected], or you can ring me personally on my direct line at 07 3014 6543.
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