Category Archives for General

Update – Limitation Period lifted for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in Queensland

By Sarah Carlisle On Friday 11 November 2016, the Limitation of Actions (Child Sexual Abuse) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2016 was introduced. What Does This Mean for Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in Queensland?  The legislation has the effect of lifting the limitation period which previously applied to a claim for damages for the […]

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Who do you sue when you have no one to sue?

By Tina Ibraheem In Drzyzaga v Nominal Defendant [2012] QDC 323, the Plaintiff was injured after he was forced to swerve in order to avoid a vehicle which had inappropriately pulled up in front of him causing him to run on to a nearby traffic island. The vehicle that inappropriately pulled up in front of him immediately left […]

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