You wouldn’t go running, bench press or sit in a car for 8 hours continuously without a break or two to move around, would you? So why do we find it perfectly normal to sit, hunched over, with muscles in constant contraction, straining our eyes as we stare into a fluorescent screen all day? It’s absolute madness…
Never fear however as help is at hand for relieving those aches and pain as well as tight neck muscles that leave you feeling sore, tired, heavy and at quite possibly with a splitting headache. Fortunately we have some easy to do, take anywhere, anytime exercises that will get you loose as a goose and ready to face the afternoon slog towards 3:30-itis.

Stephen Bancroft | Physiotherapist at Queen Street Physiotherapy
Active Neck Rotation: This is a great one for general loosening of the neck when it feels tight as well as practicing controlled, supported movement. Starting in correct posture which is sitting tall, shoulders slightly back and down, chin tucked in and head facing forward) slowly rotate the head to the left keeping the line of sight parallel to the ground (not looking up or down). When you reach a position where the neck is slightly uncomfortable with the stretch pause for 1 second and then turn the head back through centre and to the right. Repeat this in a slow controlled motion for one minute, take a short 30 second break and repeat.
2 sets of 1 min

3 sets of 30 sec each side

2 sets of 30 sec each

10 sets of 10-20 sec hold

1 set of 10 reps (5 sec hold) for each

Thanks Stephen
Stay tuned for another article from the Queen Street Physiotherapy team soon
In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding this interview, treatment of cycling injuries or other health issues please do not hesitate to contact Donovan and the rest of the team by visiting the Queen Street Physiotherapy website.
Queen St Physiotherapy offers ergonomic advice, custom made orthotics, running assessment, hydrotherapy, dry needling, remedial massage, exercise and stretching programs.